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Forlèna (versione inglese)

18,00 €
Larghezza: 200 mm
Altezza: 110 mm
Autore: Fabiani PaolaFabiani Paola

Throughout the battles between Guelphs and Ghibellines which bloodied the fields of Tuscany between 1287 and 1289, the stories of historical figures are intertwined with those of others of pure invention. The count, Gòzzo Degli Adinardi, is the lord of the powerful city of Forlèna. Moreover, among the protagonists, there will be the Bishop Guglielmino Degli Ubertini, the count Guido Novello Guidi, lord of Poppi, but also the count Jacopo Bisdomini, lord of Serravalle. The battle of Campaldino, with its ferocity, will change the destiny of some characters and reveal the heart and thoughts of others. The love between Florìce Bisdomini and Gilfredo Degli Adinardi with its purity will pass through the entire story, going beyond the betrayals, conspiracies, cowardice, power strategies and the inevitable unhappiness of human existence.

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